Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Breaking the fast: back to indulgence with Style Servings!

Image from here.

Well, I don't know about you, but that was certainly the longest fast I have ever been on! Almost a year ago I announced that life had gotten too hectic for me to continue blogging. A big break-up, a new relationship, an internship and job offer, a dissertation completion and graduation ceremony and a LOT of travelling later, I am back to following my fashion cravings! Thank you guys all for the lovely support you showed when I announced my 'style fast' last year. I have still been following all your blogs, and am really happy to see the things that you have achieved in the meantime!

As for me, I am now finishing an 8 month stint of travelling by spending a summer in New York! And where better to go back to indulging than the city with the most exciting atmosphere on the planet?! I will be blogging about the stylish treats I find whilst conquering this amazing city, but bear me as I get back into the whole blogging & fashion scene, I have been backpacking for more than 6 months and have been completely out of the loop - my biggest style concern has been finding a clean t-shirt somewhere in my bags. There will also be some changes to the blog, mainly involving prioritising quality over quantity. I will still be serving you regular Style Snacks, but they will no longer be daily and I will also no longer be posting daily, giving me time to enjoy the city and prepare better posts for you guys.

If any fellow bloggers are in New York during the summer too, let me know, and let's meet up!

Looking forward to drooling over some great servings of style again!



  1. Hi there!
    Lovely skirt...
    see you soon again :)


  2. You're back!!! I am so happy! Welcome back girlie!

  3. looking great in the printed skirt! I've never been to new york and really hope that I will go there someday! x

    check out my new post featuring mixed outfits! :)

  4. Good on you for making a return, even after such a long time. LOVE the outfit and hope you have any amazing summer in NYC you lucky thing x

  5. Welcome back darling! YAY <3

  6. good choice choosing NYC, thats the way to live a life! U must have had a blast.

  7. Hooray welcome back! Excited for regular does of Style Servings again.

    Sounds like life has been busy & exciting for you :) & You look lovely as usual.

    Sophie xx


  8. So glad to see you back Lisanne! Sounds like you've had a crazy year, and I am super jealous you're getting to spend the summer in NYC! Have an amazing time & look forward to hearing about your adventures! :)

  9. Welcome Back Lisanne!! Lovely outfit!!. And super exciting you get to spend your summer in NYC! I've never been and always wanted to go :) xo

  10. see my blog www.dreamonheels.wordpress.com

  11. Dear Lisanne, it's so nice to have you back and to hear that there are so many positive changes in your life! Have a wonderful time in NY and looking forward to your posts! Caterina

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I love checking out your blogs as well, so if you leave a comment I will come visit your blog sometime soon :)
However, I firmly believe that you should follow a blog because you feel inspired, not as part of a follow-for-follow deal. I will NEVER respond to "want to follow each other" requests.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts!